INNO2MARE will implement three R&I pilot projects that address the key challenges related to maritime and other industry sectors.

Pilot project 1: Improved fire evacuation VR model of a ship engine room

CHALLENGE! To provide improved, more realistic, albeit safer environment for onboard firefighting training. 

HOW? By building fire scenario in a virtual reality (VR) environment of a ship engine room (ER), based on fire spread results obtained by computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis.  

WHY? The problem of the current VR models is that the fire is modelled rudimentary, i.e. as a concentrated flame that does not spread, making users less susceptible on the stimulus. 

Pilot project 2: Digital twin with AI for sustainable and efficient energy management

CHALLENGE! The objective is to construct a digital twin integrated with artificial intelligence that facilitates sustainable and efficient energy management by bridging the gap between energy producers and consumers. 

HOW? The proposed approach involves linking a simulation model with the actual physical world and leveraging AI to enable real-time energy management. 

WHY? The primary motivation behind this endeavor is to expedite and enhance the decision-making process when it comes to managing energy resources. 

Pilot project 3: Autonomous shipping technology supported by AI

CHALLENGE! To build a model for the automatic detection of small objects at sea and estimation of the height and direction of waves propagation, i.e. the sea state estimation. 

HOW? Computer Vision utilization 

WHY? To provide the necessary information in building the deep learning autonomous shipping and safe navigation model.