Strengthening the capacity for excellence of Slovenian and Croatian innovation ecosystems to support the digital and green transitions of maritime regions
Croatia and Slovenia are neighbours and among Europe’s smaller countries. They are also united along the Adriatic. In this context, the EU-funded INNO2MARE project will boost maritime and connected industries. Specifically, it will support the digital and green transitions in Western Slovenian and Adriatic Croatian innovation ecosystems. The two ecosystems will strongly benefit from the sharing of best practices of the Flemish Innovation Ecosystem, one of the most developed maritime innovation ecosystems globally.
Implementing three pilot projects (Improved fire evacuation VR model of a ship engine room; Digital twin with AI for sustainable and efficient energy management and Autonomous shipping technology supported by AI), INNO2MARE will address some of the key challenges related to maritime education and training, security and safety in marine traffic and logistics as well as energy conversion and management systems’ efficiency.
In addition to supporting the engagement of citizens in the innovation process and smart skills training, the project will reduce the innovation divide by connecting the innovation actors within the ecosystems.

Latest News and Announcements
Stay updated on the INNO2MARE project latest news, announcements, and insights.
Transformation of products into services organized by INNO2MARE partner STEP RI
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The Faculty of Maritime Studies opened its doors for the Fiumare Maritime Festival
On Friday, September 13, the Faculty of Maritime Studies hosted an Open Day, during which visitors explored exhibits dedicated to maritime themes: "Titanic – Carpathia: 100 Years Later," "Giants of the Sea," "Jadrolinija," "Naval Academy in Rijeka 1866 – 1914,"and...
INNO2MARE Pilot project 1 presented at the IAMU 2024 Conference
From 9 to 11 October 2024, the annual International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference was held at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Buzzards Bay, MA, USA. IAMU is the association of 75 world's leading maritime universities, and the conference...
Project information
Acronim: INNO2MARE
Full Title: Strengthening the capacity for excellence of Slovenian and Croatian innovation ecosystems to support
the digital and green transitions of maritime regions
Grant agreement ID: 101087348
DOI: 10.3030/101087348
Start date: 1 January 2023
End date: 31 December 2026
