We are happy that INNO2MARE was a part of Excellence Hubs Community, where coordinators from Excellence Hubs and Teaming EU projects with support of projects coordinator were discussing some major barriers, challenges as well as good practices in several parallel sessions.  It was inspiring and encourage us to go further with more clear vision.

Some of the important topics discussed during the event:

  • Barriers, challenges and benefits of all quadruple helix actors in Excellence Hubs
  • How to secure sustainability in Teaming & EH projects
  • Strategies for enhancing Innovation/ commercialisation in Teaming & EH projects
  • Key focus areas for building and sustaining an Excellence Hubs community/network
  • Best practices of Teaming Club

The topics discussed generated new ideas for strengthening the collaboration between academia, business, regional governments, and societal actors, based on the quadruple helix principle, essential for fostering sustainable partnerships.

Prof. Dr Vesna Bengin presented us best practices of Teaming Club which was establish in 2016 with its aim to provide a platform for the new CoEs to join efforts which created the right framework conditions for all funded Teaming projects, thus ensuring their high performance levels, maximum impact and, finally, their sustainability. Excellence Hub projects will also start to collaborate more closely by establishing an Excellence Hubs Community, aligning and synergistically advancing the interests of all EH projects.
Additionally, a clearly defined European perspective for ensuring the initiative’s sustainability beyond the project’s lifespan, along with credible pathways for leveraging investments during implementation, was highlighted.

Participants were encouraged to continue fostering collaboration and partnerships to ensure that the outcomes of EU-funded projects continue to benefit local communities and the EU as a whole.